Shopify Updates 11/11/2024 – 11/18/2024
Shopify Forms supports form-specific field creation and storage.
You can now create fields in Shopify Forms that allow you to edit, manage, and store data in submissions stored in meta objects, without having to create a customer meta field to store all submission data in a customer record. Previously, customer metafields were the only option for storing responses from forms. However, if a customer submitted multiple responses, only the most recent submission was stored, and each form field required a separate metafield in the customer profile. In addition, updating the metafield data in one form could inadvertently affect its use in other services. Now you can choose whether each custom field in a form is linked to the customer profile or to a meta object that stores the full submission form.
Discover marketing automation templates in the Flow app.
Marketing automation templates created by Shopify and partners can now be found and activated through the Flow app, along with all other Flow templates. Marketing automation templates and analytics related to these workflows will still be available from the “Marketing > Automations” area. Some marketing automation templates that create customer segments or meta fields, such as a birthday template or VIP template, will only be able to create these additional assets when activated from the “Marketing > Automations” area.
More Information Now Available About Fulfillment Holds.
We’ve added more information about fulfillment holds to Shopify Web and Mobile. This will be useful as you can now get all the information about the hold, including which app placed the hold (or manually if the hold was placed by the merchant), the reason for the hold, and the notes attached to the hold.