Boutique Theme
Fixed quantity buttons on the product page. Now, the quantity changes correctly, and pages do not freeze.
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixed quantity buttons on the product page. Now, the quantity changes correctly, and pages do not freeze.
- Fixed product card image visibility, when collection filters are applied – now the selected variant image will be shown (early it can be empty).
Optimized customizer, fixed “Collection list with banner” section desktop styles
Fixes and other improvements
- Optimize the customizer performance when editing content.
- Fixed error with no images appearance on desktop in the “Collection list with banner” section with Collections layout “Carousel”.
Fixed the customizer freeze bug when editing content.
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixed the customizer freeze bug when editing content.
Fixed text positions and colors in some sections and added new sections.
Fixes and other improvements
- Fixed the Footer text color.
- Fixed the text position in the Image Gallery section.
- Added the Horizontal Products section.
- Added the Featured Products banner section.
- Added the Collections Grid section.
1.0 is the latest version. No updates yet. Stay tuned.