Version 2.8.6

August 23, 2024

Hotfix: fixed image size in the “Slideshow” section on the desktop resolution.

Fixes and other improvements

  • fixed image size in the “Slideshow” section on the desktop resolution.

Version 2.8.5

August 21, 2024

Added a new product template “Pre-order”. Fixed some small bugs and optimized code in the sections.


  • Added a new product template “Pre-order”.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed “Badge text” in the header. Now it is also displayed in the mobile menu.

Version 2.8.4

July 12, 2024

Fixed the video on “Android” devices, now the video is working. Fixed the ‘Shipping bar’ in the cart drawer for the multi-currency stores.


  • Added an option to display a second image on hover by default for product cards.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed the video on “Android” devices. Now the video is working.
  • Fixed the ‘Shipping bar’ in the cart drawer for the multi-currency stores.
  • Fixed JOD currency formatting in the cart notification.

Version 2.8.3

May 17, 2024

Added a “Description” block to the product template section. Added support for native Shopify swatches for the options


  • Added a “Description” block to the product template section.
  • Added support for native Shopify swatches for the options.

Version 2.8.2

May 14, 2024

Added a new custom drawer to the product template. In the “Slideshow”, “Banner” sections added a setting that allows you to make a link to the entire media content area


  • Added a new custom drawer to the product template
  • In the “Slideshow”, “Banner” sections added a setting that allows you to make a link to the entire media content

Version 2.8.1

May 8, 2024

Fixed a cart message when item is out of stock

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed a cart message when item is out of stock

Version 2.8.0

May 2, 2024

Removed ‘Product Reviews’ Shopify app integrations from the theme


  • Removed ‘Product Reviews’ Shopify app integrations from the theme

Version 2.7.1

April 16, 2024

Fixed a bug that blocked filtering when only a filter by price was available and a price range was selected in which there were no available products.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed a bug that blocked filtering when only a filter by price was available and a price range was selected in which there were no available products.

Version 2.7.0

March 28, 2024

In the “Banner” section, added a new setting that allows to change the banner height.
Improved work of lazy-load of images for cases when the section is at the beginning of the page.


  • In the “Banner” section, added a new setting that allows to change the banner height

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed button style on the activate account page. Now the button gets the color from theme settings.
  • Improved work of lazy-load of images for cases when the section is at the beginning of the page.
    The following sections have been improved: Banner, Collection list, Product banner, Cards grid, Collection template, Image gallery, Featured collection, Featured products, and Grid images.

Version 2.6.5

March 1, 2024

Fixed predictive search logic to support multi languages search results. Fixed product card hover state with transparent images


  • Updated hints for section settings

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed predictive search logic to support multi languages search results
  • Fixed “Image gallery” section logic. Now video can be added to the block without a link
  • Fixed product card hover state with transparent images

Version 2.6.4

February 6, 2024

Added a logic for filters to support “Search and Discovery” new setting how filters are displayed when no matching products are found in the store (“Hide”, “Show at the end”, “Show in default order”).


  • Added a logic for filters to support “Search and Discovery” new setting how filters are displayed when no matching products are found in the store (“Hide”, “Show at the end”, “Show in default order”).

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed a background color of images in the product card. Previously the color was white now the color is transparent.
  • Fixed the “Age check popup” bug, when pressing the “Esc” button the popup closed but the redirect did not work.

Version 2.6.3

January 24, 2024

Fixed a bug in the mobile menu, when different top-level menus in the submenus had links (which had a nested submenu) with the same name, which is why the submenu did not open

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed a bug in the mobile menu, when different top-level menus in the submenus had links (which had a nested submenu) with the same name, which is why the submenu did not open

Version 2.6.2

January 18, 2024

Fixed “Promotion banner” product card width if the number of products is less than 4.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed “Promotion banner” product card width if the number of products is less than 4.
  • Fixed product card hover state for the header mega-menu. Now the video is not showing on the hover.

Version 2.6.1

January 11, 2024

Fixed an issue with the quantity widget and price change on variant update in the “Quick view”.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed an issue with the quantity widget and price change on variant update in the “Quick view”.

Version 2.6.0

January 5, 2024

In this release, we added support for quantity rule and product volume pricing features which can be used for B2B customers. Added support for metaobject swatches in the filters and Shopify’s new “AND” / “OR” filter operators. Added new options to product template block “Drawers” that allow set a custom heading for each drawer.


  • Added support for quantity rule and product volume pricing features which can be used for B2B customers
  • Added support for metaobject swatches in the filters
  • Added support for Shopify’s new “AND” / “OR” filter operators
  • Added a new options to the product template block “Drawers” that allow set a custom heading for each drawer
  • Added a new source size for the main product image for 420px (to improve page performance)
  • Added a base layout settings for the “Apps” section


  • Changed complementary product title from h4 to h2 on the product page
  • Changed the zoom pop-up logic on the product page: now if zoom is enabled, then videos can be played inline without opening a zoom-popup
  • Changed link color in the collection description to match the color link from the theme settings

Version 2.5.5

October 27, 2023

Added a linkedin social media to the “Social media” settings. Changed tag to on the product page for the product title. Fix js for the translations in the Quick view, compare products.


  • Added a linkedin social media to the “Social media” settings


  • Changed tag to on the product page for the product title

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed js logic to support translations for the quick view, compare products.

Version 2.5.4

October 17, 2023

Added logic to the product cards to show related variant image, with applied filters on the collection page. Fixed predictive search form default submit with special characters.


  • Added logic to the product cards to show related variant image, with applied filters on the collection page

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed predictive search form default submit with special characters (e.g. “%”). Now it doesn’t cause errors.
  • Fixed header dropdown menu for header menu type “Dropdown”, when mega menu blocks exist

Version 2.5.3

October 12, 2023

Fixed typography default fonts – Sans-serif, Serif. Now it works.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed typography default fonts – Sans-serif, Serif.

Version 2.5.2

October 10, 2023

Fixed product form logic to support non latin letters in option names and locales translations

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed locales translations
  • Fixed product form logic to support non latin letters in option names

Version 2.5.1

September 28, 2023

Added a setting to the “Featured collection” section that allow a customer add a custom link to the button. Added a settings to the “Featured products” section that allow a customer show a button with a custom link under the products


  • Added a setting to the “Featured collection” section that allow a customer add a custom link to the button
  • Added a settings to the “Featured products” section that allow a customer show a button with a custom link under the products

Version 2.5.0

September 21, 2023

Added a new block type “Two columns” in the “Slideshow” section. Added a grid view buttons on the collection page. Added a block type “Text slide” in the “Announcement bar” section


  • Added a block type “Text slide” in the “Announcement bar” section. Now you can enable a slideshow instead of static text.
  • Added a grid view buttons on the collection page. Now the customer can change a products count in the row.
  • Added a new block type “Two columns” in the “Slideshow” section

Version 2.4.3

August 31, 2023

Fixed a bug on the password page, that added sections was not appear. In the ‘Cards grid’ section added ability to add a link in the text description.


  • In the ‘Cards grid’ section added ability to add a link in the text description.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed a bug on the password page, that added sections was not appear. Now it works.
  • Fixed a view for one slide in the ‘Slideshow’ section, when only ‘Three columns’ slide was added.

Version 2.4.2

August 21, 2023

In this release we fixed “Promotion banner” popup logic to prevent re-open popup, when you close product quick view that are not related to the products inside promotion banner.


  • Changed a text alignment for the Cart shipping rates calculator block.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed typo in the “Products bundle section”.
  • Fixed logic of the “Promotion banner” popup. Now if you close Quick view from products cards that are not related to the promotion popup, popup will not shown again.

Version 2.4.1

August 18, 2023

In this release we have added an url change when variants change on the product page. Added option to show box-shadow in the Promotion banner, Product promo banner and Cookie bar.


  • Added an url change when variants change on the product page.
  • Added a setting to show box-shadow in the Promotion banner popup.
  • Added a setting to show box-shadow in the Product promo popup.
  • Added a setting to show box-shadow in the Cookie bar popup.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed banner with text section. Now link in the text can be clicked.
  • Fixed mega menu link behaviour with ‘#’ symbol. Now links work correctly.

Version 2.4.0

August 15, 2023

In this release we added a new section “Event calendar”. We added a new layout for the “Reviews” section. We added a transparent header feature, added currency selector. We added a new layout to the “Product promo” section. Fixed countdown timer on the Product page


  • Added a new section “Event calendar”
  • Added a new layout for the “Reviews” section. Now you can show a product in the review
  • Added a transparent header feature
  • Added a currency selector to the header
  • Added a new layout to the “Product promo” section. Now you can show a product
  • Added a “full size” button to the size guide drawer on the product page
  • Added a color swatch name near the option label on the mobile
  • Added a total price in the “Products bundle” section
  • Added overlay color setting to the “Image gallery” section
  • Added overlay color settings to the “Banner”, “Banner with text” sections

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed countdown timer on the Product page, Featured product section. Now the date is calculated correctly
  • Fixed Sold out badge on the Product page, Featured product section. The Sold out badge is now visible regardless of whether the product has other badges

Version 2.3.0

July 25, 2023

In this release we added a new global section “Promotion banner”. We added a new option for the header logo position. We added a new type of slide to the “Slideshow” section. Added a slideshow inside a “Quick view”. Added a shipping rates calculator in the Cart drawer, Cart page.


  • Added a new global section “Promotion banner”
  • Added a new option for the header logo position. Now you can set up logo to the top and navigation links will take up all the bottom space
  • Added ability to add a custom product image in the “Trend products”
  • Added a new type slide called “Three columns” in the “Slideshow” section
  • Added a slideshow inside a “Quick view” popup
  • Added ability to show size guide button under the product options on the Product page
  • Added ability to show video in the “Image gallery” section
  • Added a shipping rates calculator in the Cart drawer, Cart page
  • Added ability to change text alignments in the “Richtext” section. Added “Read more” button to allow hide big part of text and show it by the click on the button

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed banner type “Two column” content button click (the button could not be pressed)

Version 2.2.0

July 12, 2023

In this update we fixed a product price in the predictive search. Added new options to the “Announcement bar” that allow to show socials icons and additional links. Increased a size of the color swatch on the product page. Added a share button to the product page and article page.


  • Added on the “Collection list”, “List collection” sections a setting to show products count in collection
  • Added a share button on the product page and article page
  • Added to the “Announcement bar” a setting to show socials icons and additional links
  • Added a setting to show socials icons in the “Newsletter popup”
  • Added in the “Shop the look” section a setting to show a title


  • Increased a color swatch buttons size on the product page

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed the product price in the predictive search for currencies other than the dollar. Now the product price in the predictive search is equal with the price on the product page.
  • Fixed a product card colors count

Version 2.1.0

July 7, 2023

We’ve removed a “Wishlist” feature and fixed some visual bugs. Added an option to change text alignments in the “Collection list” section. Add settings to change color for the compare product button.


  • Added a new setting in the “Collection list” section to allow change a text alignment
  • Added a new setting in the “Header” section to allow change a background color for the cart counter icon
  • Added a new settings for the “Compare products” feature to allow change a button colors
  • Added a new setting in the “Trend products” section to make first product opened


  • Removed the Wishlist feature.

Fixes and other improvements

  • In the “Story telling” section fixed a visual state for a “Text” setting

Version 2.0.0

June 23, 2023

We added many changes in the Gain version 2. We added more than 10 new sections, such as Trend products, Products bundle, Product tabs, Store location, Gallery carousel, Image compare and more.

We added some global features, such as Product compare, Wishlist, Cookie bar, Follow on Shop and other.

We improved the existing sections by adding new functionality to them. Added new types for header mega menu and now you can have mega menu and simple dropdown together.

On the collection page (and search page) you can now make filters as sidebar and show color swatches instead of default checkboxes.

On the product cards you can now use video for the hover state. In the sections with product cards you can add indent between product cards.

On the product page, featured product section and quick view you can change variants options view from buttons to dropdown.

In the Product recommendations section you can now enable ‘Recently viewd’ products feature.

Added new blocks for the product template and featured product sections, such as: Notify me, Inventory status, Sales point, Gift wrap product, Countdown timer, Ask a question, Custom field.

On the contact page you can now use Google map API to show interactive map.


  • Added a new section ‘Store location’
  • Added a new section ‘Trend products’
  • Added a new section ‘Products bundle’
  • Added a new section ‘Reviews’
  • Added a new section ‘FAQ’
  • Added a new section ‘Shop by brand’
  • Added a new section ‘Gallery carousel’
  • Added a new section ‘Product tabs’
  • Added a new section ‘Product banner’
  • Added a new section ‘Cards grid’
  • Added a new section ‘Story telling’
  • Added a new section ‘Image compare’
  • Added a new section ‘Pricing Table’
  • Added a new section ‘Swipe’
  • Added a new section ‘Best sellers’
  • Added ‘Minimum order amount’ feature for the cart drawer and and cart template, that allow disable checkout buttons until the value of the cart amount is equal or greater than the specified value
  • Added a ‘Age check popup’ feature
  • Added a ‘Product promo’ feature
  • Added a ‘Cookie bar’ feature
  • Added a ‘Compare products’ feature
  • Added a ‘Gift wrap product’ feature
  • Added a ‘Cart reminder’ feature
  • Added a ‘Follow on Shop’ feature
  • Added a ‘Gift Card Recipients’ feature for the gift products
  • Added a new types for the mega menu and now you can have mega menu and simple dropdown together
  • Added a ‘Richtext’ block to the cart drawer
  • Added settings that allow to show a countdown timer on the ‘Product page’, ‘Featured product’ and ‘Quick view’ sections
  • Added the ability to change variants from radio buttons to the dropdown
  • Added a ‘Sticky add to cart’ feature on the product page
  • Added a new feature ‘Recently viewed’ products in the ‘Product recommendations’. Users can see the products they viewed
  • Added an ‘Inventory status’ block on the product page and ‘Featured product’ section
  • Added a ‘Sales point’ block on the product page and ‘Featured product’ section
  • Added a ‘Notification’ block on the product page and ‘Featured product’ section
  • Added a ‘Ask a question’ block on the product page and ‘Featured product’ section
  • Added a ‘Custom field’ block on the product page and ‘Featured product’ section
  • Added a new option to show images in two columns per row on the product page and ‘Featured product’ section
  • Added a setting to make filters as sidebar on the collection and search pages
  • Added a settings to show color swatches in the filters on the collection and search pages
  • Added ability to show video in product card on hover
  • Added ability to show two images in the ‘Image with text’ section
  • Added a ‘store locator’ page templage that can be used, for example, in pair with ‘Store location’ section
  • Added ability to add product cards indent on the collection and search pages
  • Added a global container width setting, that will be used in the sections with setting ‘Make full width’ if it unchecked
  • Added a setting ‘Enable product cards indent’ in the sections with product cards
  • Added ability to show ‘Back to top’ button in the footer
  • Added ability to show ‘Google map’ on the contact page
  • Added a ‘Landscape’ image format in the ‘Collection list’ section
  • Added ability to show second button in the ‘Slideshow’ section
  • Added ability to show image on the login and register page


  • Made a cart drawer note an accordion
  • Moved the cart subtotal from the block ‘Shipping bar’. Now the cart subtotal is always displayed in bottom of the cart drawer

Version 1.1.0

May 26, 2023

We added the ability to change theme styles in the customizer. You can choose one of two styles: ‘Mio’, ‘Must Have’. By choosing different theme styles, you can see a different design of your store, with different fonts, colors.


  • Added the ability to change theme styles in customizer