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Peak Design’s Crowdfunding Strategies That Raised Over $34 Million
When Peter Dering traveled through Asia on a four-month backpacking trip in 2010, he captured all the memorable, scenic moments with his camera. Along the way, he noticed how cumbersome the camera was to lug around. “‘Wow, this hurts my neck, and I can’t be hands-free,’” Peter recalls thinking. “Almost every photographer who has ever put on a neck strap has experienced it, and [it] wasn’t being solved.”
Level Up Your Marketing Automations: Ezra Firestone’s Expertise in New Templates
Marketing automations are designed to save you time and boost your business—that’s kind of their whole thing. Set up an automation to reach your customers at the right time, with the right message, and let it do the work for you on autopilot.
How James Hoffmann Found His Niche and Became the Coffee Expert on YouTube
While James has cemented his status as the go-to coffee expert on YouTube—with a community of close to two million subscribers on the platform—he didn’t start drinking the beverage himself until after he got into the bean business. “I started working in coffee before I started drinking coffee, which is kind of weird,” he says. “I was demonstrating little espresso machines in a nice department store in London. I had no idea what I was doing, but the more I read and discovered about coffee, the more interested I got. And it became a full-blown obsession pretty quickly.”
Shopify Markets Pro: 10 Ways To Optimize Your Store After Activation
Congratulations on activating Shopify Markets Pro! You’ve just taken a step toward global greatness. We understand that venturing into international markets can be daunting, but with Markets Pro in your corner, it’s now easier than ever before. To accelerate your journey to international selling success, we’ve put together a comprehensive checklist of best practices. Follow these top tips to maximize your success when selling internationally with Markets Pro.
It’s Actually a Great Time To Start a Business (No, Really)
If you’re thinking of starting an ecommerce business, don’t let the macroeconomics of it scare you. Despite falling valuations of public and private companies, it’s still possible to raise money from venture capital firms. Jon Sakoda is a founder of Decibel Partners, a venture capital firm specializing in infrastructure software, and he’s worked in the industry for more than 15 years. Ahead, hear Jon’s insights about starting a company—and getting it funded—in 2023.
What Is Affiliate Marketing? Everything You Need to Know in 2023
Affiliate marketing is a great way to generate some additional income. You can become an affiliate marketer and recommend other brands, or you can start an affiliate program to start promoting your own existing brand. This complete guide will walk you through how to become an affiliate marketer who promotes other brands. We’ll go over how to start making money in affiliate marketing, online marketing tips to help you succeed, and tricks to help you earn more money.